Monday, August 12, 2013

I have a need, a need for Speed

This line from the movie; Top Gun 1986, will always be one of my favorite lines. When we want to go somewhere or do something, we always want it to happen quickly. Although this may be normal, it is not always possible. Some things just take time. It is this time that we must consider.

1. Time is the same for everyone: We all have the same amount of hours in the day. Some seem to accomplish more than others. Some seem to handle time delays better than others. We all have the same amount, yet do not handle the same way. Time is something that must be mastered, and that takes time.

2. How do we master Time? The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that time plays no favorites. To master time we must allow ourselves to see it as a blessing and a challenge. Blessing, in that we can plan and prepare. A challenge, in that we can create a "time table" in which to operate.

3. Time as a Blessing: We all have experienced situations when we say..."time is of an essence" which usually means, we need to hurry up. Yet, if we see time as a blessing we can use it to our advantage. The problem comes when we do not honor or appreciate time. We must treat time with respect. To write a book takes time. To mow the yard takes time. Everything takes time. Use time wisely and be blessed.

4. Time as a Challenge: When my job calls for something to be done, I challenge myself to get it done in record time. This "time table" is my outline for success. I plan for success, and you should also. Planning your time will always lead to success. 

Remember the tortoise and the hare? Speed does not always win the race. Sometimes the best speed is Consistency and Clarity of purpose.   

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